Tuesday, August 14, 2012

July-August Activities - War

After reading, The American Revolution: A History by Gordan S. Wood and The American Revolution picture book, I realized something about the Revolutionary War -  it was a very unique war. By that, I mean the Colonial Army was made up of just as many militia as regular army. Even Washington himself realized that they could not fight a "traditional" war against the British. They (colonists) engaged in a more guerrilla type offensives. They spent a lot of time fighting little skirmishes and did things to block the British food and supply lines. In England the British officers themselves did not want to get involved with this war and some even elected to stay out of it all together. (I found that to be very interesting.) The Colonial Army, along with it's militia, really didn't win many battles. It was not necessarily from a lack of heart though. The Colonial soldiers were not even remotely close to the British soldiers when it came to actual military training and experience. However, the Colonial Army was resilient. That was proven though the winter at Valley Forge and at many other times throughout the war. By going toe to toe with General Howe at both Brandywine and Germantown (although the Colonial Army lost both battles) it gave them confidence that the American army was capable of taking on the British. The entire war was a perfect portrayal of an underdog standing up to and beating the much greater opponent.

As I read though these books I have gleaned at how historians must put in countless hours researching and cross referencing the information they find. They have to make sure to double, and I'm sure even triple check, what they have found out before putting it down on paper. If a historian is careless and does not get their facts correct, they could severely damage not only their reputation, but career. It is an exhausting line of work that requires one to have a very meticulous way about them. I truly appreciate what they do because I enjoy reading about history.